Jasper Reports - What differentiates them?

Custom Jasper development is done by a lot of companies these days owing to the increased use of Jasper reports by end users. The more the number of companies opting for Jasper reports the more the number of vendors or companies which provide the development service. India is no exception either; there are substantial number of companies in India who offer custom Jasper development services as well.

Let’s delve a little deeper and try to understand what makes Jasper reports so useful and relevant to business users. Some of the advantages it has over other similar tools, like Crystal reports, is that in Jasper user(developer) can easily plug-in custom java code for processing business logic of the returned data using Scriptlets. Takes less time to implement changes and provides the ability to generate reports on the fly. Like this the list is endless.

To know more about the different services that are available check the website of Mindfire Solutions, a company based in India which provides custom Jasper development services.

Coming back to our earlier topic about companies who provide custom development services for Jasper, as we know by now that Jasper is gradually picking up momentum and a large number of software companies have started developing expertise to deliver projects in Jasper. Whereas this is good news for the community (increasing of developer base) it has a flip side to it as well. Amateur developers are also making tall claims about being good and experts in Jasper and in the process taking up projects from end users. Mostly the businesses who are not so technically sound tend to get carried away by the glib talk and end up spending money and getting a bad application built. This is one thing which the community should keep an eye on as well, since in the past there have been technologies which died not because it was not good but because too many bad developers started building applications using it. What happens then is you have a lot of business houses which are not satisfied with the work/technology.

The reason for mentioning about this is to alarm the reader on the pitfalls of blindly giving work to companies, especially in case of outsourcing, without ensuring whether they are actually so good technically or not. Few things to look out for are:

Ask for client references – preferably someone from your country/area.

Ask for their case studies and samples. Based on the samples given, check whether anything comes close to your requirement. And then ask for a demo of that application – this would give you a clear picture of what you need vis-à-vis what can be delivered. When you Customize Jasper Reports, you unleash high performance of Jasper which suits your business much better.

Ofcourse there would be companies which might not have good client references but would have good developers – so in those cases you can talk to the actual developer who would be working in your project. Have someone with sound technical knowledge lead the discussion so that you have a fair idea on the expertise of the person who is going to work.

To know more about our Customized Jasper Reporting services and the expertise on Jasper Reports development please contact us on sales@mindfiresolutions.com or call 1-248-686-1424.